Blog — Tips from ChapStick

6 Ways to Help Chapped Lips

6 Ways to Help Chapped Lips

Discover 6 easy ways to heal your chapped lips with Tips from ChapStick®. From switching toothpaste to protecting your lips from the sun so you can enjoy healthy looking lips all year-round!

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6 Natural Ways to Care for Your Lips

6 Natural Ways to Care for Your Lips

From choosing your toothpaste wisely to avoiding licking your lips. Discover 6 affordable and easy natural ways to care for your lips with Tips from ChapStick®.

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6 Times You Always Need Lip Balm

6 Times You Always Need Lip Balm

Did you wish you did not forget your lip balm? Discover the 6 times you always need lip balm with ChapStick® so you can better plan and never miss out.

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6 Times You're Probably Not Wearing Sunscreen but Should

6 Times You're Probably Not Wearing Sunscreen but Should

Did you know sunscreen is not just for summer beach days? Learn more with ChapStick® about surprising times you should be considering wearing sunscreen.

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